The meeco Group : Clean and Green

Connell Privett
Connell Privett - Project Manager

The meeco Group continues to dedicate itself to the pursuit of a greener future through the development, engineering and distribution of clean energy solutions on a global scale.


Comprising as many as 80 skilled experts, and backed up by more than 80 years of legacy, the Swiss family business – which was consolidated at the turn of the millennium – is now earmarking new opportunities and geographies to tailor its innovations for, as the dynamic Company strives towards reducing energy costs and carbon footprints for the betterment of worldwide energy sustainability.

 “Over the course of the past few years and even decades, the protection of our environment has gained more and more importance,” says meeco’s Chief Financial Officer, Konstantin Wolf.  “As an innovative and dynamic Company, we made it our key goal to support clients and partners in their efforts to reduce energy cost for the medium and long-term while lowering at the same time their carbon footprint and to encourage the spur of economic growth by creating reliable and affordable clean energy turnkey solutions.

“All projects of meeco are contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide and other green house emissions.”

Supporting governments, organisations and enterprises in their own drives toward cleaner long-term strategies and incentives, meeco also assists in structuring bankable clean energy projects, using strong relationships in the financial sector to make debt and equity financing for such projects more readily available.

“We deliver our services and solutions by utilising our global network of subsidiaries, strategic partners and experts to ensure profitable clean energy solutions through sustainable business practices, providing at the same time attractive returns on investments and attending to community needs,” Wolf continues. “meeco combines top-tier technologies with implementation services as well as advisory services and asset management to create customised clean energy solutions. These solutions can be designed for either grid-connected or off-grid use to address the energy requirements of individuals, businesses, communities and utilities.”


Initially focused on the European solar market – especially in sun-kissed Spain, Italy and Greece – meeco has subsequently ventured across four more continents and numerous regions; promoting and installing solar photovoltaic and energy storage projects along the way in conjunction with specialised local partners in each new market.

Africa, South America, the Caribbean and Asia have all benefitted as the Company continues to spread its belief in the concept of affordable, renewable solar energy; and has consequently been compounded by the ability to offer turnkey solutions and, ultimately, a highly customised range of services able to generate returns on investments in the double-digit range.

The expansion of this offering continues to this day, as Wolf explains: “In countries with an ongoing energy crisis – such as Pakistan, Zimbabwe and other southern African countries – this energy supply model is on the rise. Since 2008, meeco has also taken up the challenge to bring German-engineered solar energy technologies to Pakistan in order to support the sustainable development of the country.

“[Additionally] only some days ago, meeco – through its UK-based joint venture with PV Energy Limited – has officially inaugurated the 3 MWp photovoltaic plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua, which is a pioneering project for the whole of the Caribbean.

“This initiative in the energy sector, utilising state-of-the-art technologies, will allow the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to reduce the foreign exchange outlays for imported fossil fuels, while contributing towards the goal of reducing the carbon footprint.”

Boasting a direct presence across 15 subsidiary countries in total – rising to 40 when counting joint ventures – meeco’s role in helping institutions take control of their energy budgets in the wider battle against global warming represents fresh impetus for the likes of Pakistan, Antigua and even Paraguay – as epitomised by a recent water supply management incentive – and pave the way for both the Company and wider sector to flourish on an even wider scale moving forward.

“All these projects are ensured by the presence of our subsidiaries and joint venture partners worldwide,” Wolf says. “This leads us to develop our network, attracting more and more businesses and governments, but also private individuals.

“There is no real limit [to how far spread the Company is looking ultimately]. We will continue in striving to serve clients in all markets we are looking at when and wherever our solutions can have an impact and ensure clean energy supply. But we will certainly continue to grow in a healthy and reliable manner.”


Such healthy and reliable growth is already evident in 2016 via the inception of a thoroughly developed 2 MWp rooftop project on the new Emporium Mall in Lahore, Pakistan, with the generated clean energy almost certain to cover the energy consumption of the whole shopping mall which is currently under construction.

“This year started very busily with that and the grand opening ceremony of the airport solar power plant in Antigua,” Wolf notes. “In addition to this, we will extend our activities in Africa. As the local weather conditions are fitting perfectly to the requirements of solar energy, this market is particularly attractive for meeco.”

The recently founded oursun / onesun joint venture in Zimbabwe will counter the current energy crisis and aid the local community deeper into southern Africa, helping the country along their path towards energy efficiency and self-sufficiency, ensuring cleaner energy supply to private households.

Wolf adds: “Last year, more than 30 energy management systems were delivered through our local retail partner, Powerspeed Electrical Limited. We will also enter the solar market in Ghana, where several projects for the Government are in the pipeline.

“In addition, we are about to conclude several contracts for equipping the roofs of shopping malls in South Africa with PV solutions in order to tackle the severe energy crisis and the resulting power cuts and thus ensure uninterrupted power supply and smooth operations of such malls.”


Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and India represent a further three areas of focus in the months to come, each in severe need of uninterrupted power supply and/or cleaner energy supply if they are to thrive in the future global climate.

For meeco, its own future thriving relies on three main business strategies: “As an international Company, we steadily expand our worldwide network of local partners,” Wolf says. “This close cooperation allows us to understand different location-dependent clients’ requirements and to efficiently plan and realise renewable energy projects considering diverse local and political preconditions.

“By following the philosophy of creating shared value as a basic concept, which represents a very sustainable business model, redefining the link between corporate performance and social progress, we secondly realise our environmental and social sustainability concerns thanks to the distribution of our turnkey energy solutions.

“Our highly qualified and committed team working together across the globe is the third and certainly the most important pillar of the Company’s overall positive development.”

Achieving a balance of global repute with local experience forms a potent combination in trying to cater for a market that is so very global in its nature, so the pressure now lies in ensuring that the services being offered to this ever-broadening international clientele similarly moves forward in line with the latest ideologies and technologies available in the domain.

“We are steadily developing very specific tailor-made projects and products considering the local requirements. We understand to synchronise energy supply requirements with solar solutions and adjust projects accordingly from the very early planning stage, through development and layout and up to execution, commissioning and also operations and maintenance. Innovation and flexibility are part of our daily work alongside the many decades of accumulated knowhow,” Wolf concludes. “I think the combination of German-engineered high-quality solar solutions, the great international network of partners and experts including local expertise, and the extensive experience of our engineers, consultants and project planners clearly set us apart from the competition.

“The market is expanding and The meeco Group is growing, with the aim to develop more innovative concepts and to act as a real trailblazer in the development of a green economy.”

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By Connell Privett Project Manager
Connell Privett is a Project Manager for Outlook Publishing. Connell is responsible for showcasing corporate stories in our digital B2B magazines and Digital Platforms, and sourcing collaborations with Business Leaders, Brands, and C-suite Executives to feature in future editions. Connell is actively seeking opportunities to collaborate. Reach out to Connell to discover how you and your business could be our next cover story.