Solar Monkey : Solar Stays Sunny Side Up

Ed Budds
Ed Budds - Editor

Emerging as the brand-new phenomenon of the European energy landscape, Solar Monkey is providing innovative software for sustainable energy system providers.


Dutch sustainable software company Solar Monkey is launching its innovative offerings across the UK, aiming to boost productivity for solar installers. 

The company, which was the winner of Deloitte’s prestigious ‘Most Disruptive Innovator’ award in 2019, offers game-changing software that aims to speed up the previously lengthy and often tedious process of solar panel installations. 

Solar Monkey has now landed in the UK to accelerate the energy transition after a €4 million fundraising effort and has begun launching its award-winning software across the nation, with a mission to supercharge speed and delivery time in the solar sector, accelerating the energy transition to sustainable sources. 

The bold new software that Solar Monkey has developed is based on advanced algorithms, aerial photos and 3D models, helping installers to manage the volume of interest surrounding solar photovoltaics (PV). 

At present, the UK is experiencing a vast surge in demand for solar PV, as reported recently by the clean energy company, Egg, in September 2022 who had analysed and observed enquiries for solar panels rise by 830 percent in just four months, as the technology becomes a more popular option for customers.  

In a statement, Solar Monkey has declared that previously, designing and quoting for a new project could potentially take hours, with up to five separate quotes needed. Historically, this also involved an engineer doing much of the work. Solar Monkey’s process, however, takes minutes and can be carried out by a wider range of company personnel, delivering the potential for huge productivity increases for solar technology and its improved rollout. 


Solar Monkey believes that by spending less time on operational processes, installers can double their output. The software that the company has developed is assured to be compatible with all major brands of panels, inverters and batteries. 

By raising a considerable amount of growth capital in August 2022, Solar Monkey has been able to fund its continuing growth and accelerate its mounting impact. 

“The market is ready for exponential growth – we’re helping installers make the most of it,” explains Jan Pieter Versluijs, CEO and co-Founder of Solar Monkey. 

“We’ve seen tremendous growth in solar in the UK and we believe this trend will continue to accelerate as people are increasingly aware of the need to reduce CO2 emissions in response to climate change. Now, energy price rises driven by the Russo-Ukrainian War are hitting hard. The transition is well underway and increased efficiency plays a big part.” 

As the next step in its evolution, the rapidly expanding firm has now appointed a UK Sales Manager and is currently involved in the meticulous process of recruiting more staff to underpin its international growth plan. In this way, the company is stepping up the UK marketing of its digital design and quotation tools – aimed at increasing the efficiency of PV installers. 

The independent, Netherlands-based business was exhibited for the first time on UK soil at the Solar and Storage live event at the NEC in Birmingham last October, generating a large trade and consumer response, as well as creating a considerable buzz within the industry.  

Jasin Mahamud, who joins Solar Monkey as UK Sales Manager, brings extensive experience in software and technical sales.  

“I am looking forward to helping installer clients across the UK, as I see huge market potential,” he states. 

As direct evidence of this potential, installation professionals are continuing to witness unprecedented demand from customers as homes and businesses turn to rooftop electricity generation to save on fuel bills and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially to try and make financially beneficial decisions during the ominous cost of living crisis. Many installers are struggling with backlogs due to this rising trend. 


Solar Monkey has so far facilitated one million project designs and quotations and is being used in more than 250,000 PV systems across the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Germany – saving time on designing and quoting wherever situated.  

The state of the art software is fast and easy to use and integrate, even for those lacking a base level of technical knowledge. Additionally, Solar Monkey’s independence means its software is completely compatible with all the top brands of panels. 

Solar Monkey offers installers clarity and security, backed by expert, real-time support. Using its services and software, installers can now accurately calculate and guarantee the clean energy production of their customers’ solar PV systems.

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By Ed Budds Editor
Ed Budds is an in-house writer for EME Outlook Magazine, where he is responsible for interviewing corporate executives and crafting original features for the magazine, corporate brochures, and the digital platform.