UK has the Second Best Education in Europe

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UK has the Second Best Education in Europe

The UK is in second place among European countries for its education services, and sixth overall in the global education league table.

In the top global education league, South Korea has taken the number one spot, with three other Asian countries and Finland making up the top five. These rankings come from education and publishing firm, Pearson and include higher education as well as international school tests, which boosted the UK’s position.

The rankings are based upon an amalgamation of international tests and education data, including the OECD’s Pisa tests, two major US-based studies, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).

Pearson Chief Executive, John Fallon, highlighted the economic importance of improving education and skills development. These latest international comparisons were compiled for Pearson by the Economist Intelligence Unit and emphasise the success of Asian education systems, with South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong in China rated as the highest performers.

However, the UK shows a strong performance in sixth position, behind only Finland in the European countries surveyed, placing it ahead of Germany, France and the US.

Finland previously held the top spot and have now moved to fifth, reflecting a downward trend for a number of Scandinavian countries. However, Poland has climbed the ranks and now sits in the top 10.

To view the whole report, visit:

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