Energy & Utilities

Latest Energy & Utilities sector features, company profiles, and executive interviews from across Europe and the Middle East.

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Engineering Possibilities versus Practical Implementation: Nuclear

This is the third of five roundtable discussions that will be published each Friday on Europe Outlook in the lead up to POWER-GEN Europe.

Editorial Team

2nd Russian Energy Forum to Attract More Than 100 Attendees in London

On 9 June, 2015 Eurasian Dynamics will be hosting the second edition of the Russian Energy Forum in London with a special focus on finance and investment.

Editorial Team

Engineering Possibilities versus Practical Implementation: Coal and Gas-Fired Plants

This is the first of five roundtable discussions that will be published each Friday on Europe Outlook in the lead up to POWER-GEN Europe. Next week, David, Simon, Jacob and Ulla discuss the pros and cons of Electric Vehicles.

Editorial Team

Costa Rica is Fossil Fuel Free for 75 Days

According to the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), Costa Rica didn't burn fossil fuels for the first 75 days of 2015.

Editorial Team

UK Businesses Urged to “Switch to Save” or Lose Out on Energy Bills

UK Businesses are in the dark on energy purchasing as new research shows that nearly half (47%) have never switched suppliers or tariffs.

Editorial Team

Solar Eclipse will Test Europe’s Power Supplies

Next month’s solar eclipse could be more than a spectacular natural phenomenon, with operators warning it posed an “unprecedented test” for Europe’s power supplies.

Editorial Team

Eiffel Tower Becomes Entirely Self-Sufficient

The Eiffel Tower has become almost entirely energy self-sufficient, thanks to the installation of rain catchers, solar panels and wind turbines, all hidden within its metallic framework. 

Editorial Team

POWER-GEN Europe Reveals First Keynote Speaker

POWER-GEN Europe and its co-located event Renewable Energy World Europe has confirmed Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), as the first speaker for the keynote address.

Editorial Team

Danfoss IXA : Sensing a Gap in the Market

The latest systems and sensors by Danfoss IXA both contribute towards cost efficiency and energy saving in the maritime industry.

Editorial Team

Stockholm Vatten : World-Class Drinking Water

Stockholm Vatten, a water and waste water management company, is responsible for its delivery to more than one million people.

Editorial Team